Operation Christmas Child

Sign up to volunteer at BASBO

We have 2 dates available to go with a group from Faith. Sign up in person at the church and talk to Laurie or Esther for more info!

We make/buy items all throughout the year to save up for our big packing party in November for Operation Christmas Child. If you gave money to our mission at VBS this summer, or gave items in AWANA, you were a part of step 1 of the process. Step 2 is to pack!

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to help us pack boxes at 6 PM Sunday, November 10th. You don’t need to bring anything but yourself, but feel free to bring in items to donate.

Our hope is to have 600 boxes packed by the end of the night. This is no small task so we would love your help!

Here are many ways that you can be involved in Operation Christmas Child with us

You can:

Pack Boxes at the church with us November 10th!

Donate items! We collect all year round

Prayer is the most powerful thing we can do! Pray for the boxes and the lives touched with the gospel of Jesus packed with each box.

Build a shoebox online (BASBO) at the OCC website.

Volunteer at the Processing Center. We have several dates set to go to the processing center in Chicago where we get involved in step 3 of the process. Ask about it or find it on the Operation Christmas Child Website.

We’d love to see you be a part of this great opportunity to share God’s love and life to children all over the world.