Baptism & Communion

What are they?

This Sunday we are celebrating both of what are commonly called in the protestant church, ‘The Ordinances’. Baptism and Communion.

But Why? What are they? and why are they important?

We’ll go ahead and start with Baptism the article linked below is from David Mathis, Executive Director of Desiring He covers 6 texts in scripture on baptism that you can’t ignore and beautifully sums up the fact that baptism is an act that God calls His church to perform (Matt. 28:19) to publicly express our already existing faith in Christ. It does not save you.


We’ll stay with David Mathis with Desiring God to explain the Lord’s Supper in a great way. The Lord commands us to partake in the Lord’s Supper in remembrance of Him and until He comes back again. He states that the Lord’s Supper is no small thing. Some have gotten sick and some have died for taking the Lord’s Supper in an unworthy manner. This time is important, it’s a remembrance of what He did for us.


Lastly, the link below is a bit of church history from The Gospel Coalition and briefly covers the different beliefs and practices of the ordinances in major branches of Christianity.